It’s official 1957 saw the commencement of the Beecroft Soccer Cub.
We’ve put together some of the emails and stories we’ve received and some photos. We hope you enjoy them and please share with family and friends.

“In 1955 and 1956 young soccer players from the Beecroft District did not have enough players for a side, so they traveled up to Thornleigh to play with them.
In 1957 Don Evans and another Gentleman by the name of Jones who both lived in Hull Road found a need to form a team in the Beecroft district.
So with this in mind they then formed the “Beecroft Soccer Club”. But GHFA only had under 10 as the lowest age group playing, the club was formed in 1957, with the under 10’s.”
So in 1957, 1958, and my team in 1959 were all under 10’s and for 3 years there was only 1 team entered in the GHFA under 10’s and most of the players playing in 1957 and 1958 were all 7,8,9 years of age including Neil Evans.”
–Bob Johnson
“I played for Beecroft in 1958 having played for Pennant Hills in 1957.
Few people know Beecroft was a foundation (1957) club of Kuring-gai Districts Soccer Association along with Turramurra (later Kissing Point), Wahroonga , Lindfield, West Pymble and North Turramurra.
1958 was the second year of the KDSA, and we played in an Under 14 1/2 competition as we were overage for the Gladesville Hornsby Competition.
We used to meet at Beecroft Railway Station and Don Evans our manager and coach would stack us all in his Studibaker Lark and we would head for Lofberg, Chelmsford, Bannockburn or Karuah. We also played at Samuel King but we moaned when we had to play there as it was primitive. We made the final of the competition and were beaten 2-1 by Bradfield Park in front of 500 rabid Poms at Chelmsford (maybe Roseville Park today).
Bradfield Park was a “Ten Pound Pom” Migrant Hostel in West Lindfield located where Queen Elizabeth Park is now located.
I am now 75 and still play for West Pymble in 45(2 )”. David Mudge